> anishgoyal

How This Site Was Made

Discover the tech stack that powers this website.

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Table of Contents


This post details the creation and technology stack behind my personal website, built with a focus on minimalism, privacy, and accessibility. The site is powered by Hugo, a fast and flexible static site generator that allows for seamless deployment and management of content. You can also check out the privacy policy to learn more about how I use your data.

Key Features

Technologies Used

The IndieWeb Movement

This website follows the principles behind the IndieWeb movement, which advocates for decentralized personal websites that prioritize content clarity and user ownership. The IndieWeb movement emphasizes the importance of owning your content and data, rather than relying on third-party platforms. By hosting my website on AWS and using Hugo to generate static content, I maintain full control over my online presence and ensure that my readers can access my content without any intermediaries. I would have went fully self-hosted instead of deploying to an AWS server if I could, but I am on campus and the network blocks incoming connections.

Continuous Deployment

This website is continuously deployed using GitHub Actions, which automates the process of updating content and deploying changes.

My Workflow

My content creation and deployment workflow revolves around a git revisioning system. I use Obsidian to manage all content on the website, as well as notes in my personal life. This allows for easy organization and editing of blog posts before they go live.

Once I’ve completed a blog post, I commit my changes to Git and push them to the repository. My automated GitHub Actions deployment script, which looks like this:

 1name: CI
 3  push:
 4    branches: [ main ]
 7  deploy:
 8    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
 9    steps:
10      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
12      - name: Hugo setup
13        uses: peaceiris/[email protected]
14        with:
15          hugo-version: latest
16          extended: false
18      - name: Build
19        run: hugo --environment production
21      - name: Deploy via Rsync Deployments Action
22        uses: Burnett01/[email protected]
23        with:
24          switches: -avzr --delete
25          path: public/
26          remote_path: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_PATH }}
27          remote_host: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_HOST }}
28          remote_user: ${{ secrets.REMOTE_USER }}
29          remote_key: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_KEY }}
31      - name: Create SSH key file
32        run: |
33          echo "${{ secrets.DEPLOY_KEY }}" > ssh_key
34          chmod 600 ssh_key          
36      - name: Restart NGINX
37        run: |
38          ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ssh_key ${{ secrets.REMOTE_USER }}@${{ secrets.REMOTE_HOST }} 'sudo systemctl restart nginx'          
40      - name: Test Success
41        uses: rjstone/discord-webhook-notify@v1
42        if: success()
43        with:
44          severity: info
45          details: Website deployment successful!
46          webhookUrl: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
48      - name: Test Failure
49        uses: rjstone/discord-webhook-notify@v1
50        if: failure()
51        with:
52          severity: error
53          details: Website deployment failed!
54          webhookUrl: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}
56      - name: Test Canceled
57        uses: rjstone/discord-webhook-notify@v1
58        if: cancelled()
59        with:
60          severity: warn
61          details: Warning while deploying website!
62          webhookUrl: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }}

This workflow synchronizes content from the Obsidian Vault, builds the website using Hugo, and deploys it via rsync to my AWS server. It even restarts NGINX to ensure that changes are reflected immediately. If there are any issues during deployment, I receive notifications through a Discord webhook, allowing me to address problems promptly.

Accessibility and Inclusive Design


Accessibility is a cornerstone of my website design philosophy. I intentionally avoided using JavaScript, creating a static site that is easier for users with outdated browsers or those accessing the site through parsers or RSS feeds. As highlighted by the HTML Hobbyist:

You were able to land on this website and just start reading… how refreshing was that? No layout shifts caused by loading ads. No begging for you to allow web notifications. No pop-up appeals to sign up for our newsletter. Just simple, relatively unadulterated HTML.


I strive to create a design that is inclusive for everyone. My primary focus is on supporting underrepresented ways to read a page. Many users don’t interact with a website through a standard web browser. They may be using accessibility tools, navigating on small viewports, or utilizing machine translators. Others may access the site on restricted networks or through uncommon browsers. Acknowledging these diverse needs is crucial to fostering a truly inclusive digital environment.

One of the core principles I embrace is inclusivity by default. Web pages should not rely on overlays or other personalization features if the underlying design can accommodate all users from the outset. Personalization should serve as a fallback rather than the primary solution. For instance, users on the Tor network, students using school computers, or individuals in restrictive corporate environments should not have to “make websites work for them”; that responsibility lies with me as the webmaster.

Moreover, I believe in the idea of restricted enhancement, which limits all design enhancements to those that address specific accessibility, security, performance, or significant usability challenges faced by users. This approach encourages the use of older or widely-supported features while minimizing purely cosmetic changes. I focus on maintaining a textual website that is maximally inclusive by emphasizing semantic HTML (POSH) and keeping unnecessary complexities at bay.

Other than the commenting system for posts, is not a single line of Javascript on this website, and I aim to keep it that way.

Commenting System

I use Cusdis for the commenting system on my website. Cusdis is a privacy-friendly, open-source commenting system that doesn’t track users or require them to sign in. It’s lightweight, easy to integrate, and respects user privacy, making it an ideal choice for my privacy-focused website. To include Cusdis on my site, I simply added the following code snippet to my Hugo single.html layout:

1  <h4>Comments:</h4>
2  <div id="cusdis_thread" data-host="https://cusdis.com"
3    data-app-id="REDACTED FOR SECURITY"
4    data-page-id="{{ .File.UniqueID }}"
5    data-page-url="{{ .Permalink }}"
6    data-page-title="{{ .Title }}"
7    data-theme="dark">
8  <script async src="https://cusdis.com/js/cusdis.es.js"></script>
9  <script defer>window.CUSDIS_LOCALE = { powered_by: ' ',}</script>

EDIT: I had some problems configuring CORS with Cusdis, so comments on posts have been disabled for the foreseeable future.

Front Matter Variables

I use customized front matter variables in my Hugo content files to provide metadata about each post. These variables include:

Here is an example of the front matter for this post:

1author: "Anish Goyal"
2title: "How This Site Was Made"
3description: "A page describing how this website was made."
4summary: "This page details the entire stack on which this website was made, including the layout, posts, and automation, using Hugo, GitHub Actions, and an AWS server."
5eyecatcher: "Discover the tech stack that powers this website."
6tags: [general, backend, hugo, aws, nginx, github-actions]
7readingtime: "5"
8date: 2024-10-12
9modified: 2024-10-13

Hugo Theme

I used the hugo-simple theme to create this website, but it is so heavily modified that it is essentially a custom theme at this point. The theme provides a clean and minimalistic design that aligns with my preferences for a simple and easy-to-navigate layout. I have customized the theme extensively to suit my needs, including modifying the layout, typography, and color scheme to create a unique and personalized look for my website. It’s also worth noting that the theme is designed to be lightweight and fast-loading, ensuring a smooth browsing experience for visitors.


If you’re interested in the source code for this website, you can find it on my projects page, or this GitHub repository. I believe that by keeping the site lightweight and user-friendly, I can create a better experience for my readers while also reflecting my interests in minimalism, privacy, and cybersecurity.